0,00 EUR
Cancellation Policy valid only for business contracts with end consumers
Cancellation Right
You can withdraw your contractual declaration within 14 days, without stating a reason, in writing (i.e., letter, fax, e-mail) or - if you are in possession of the goods before deadline expiration - by sending back the goods. The deadline begins after receiving this Cancellation policy in writing, but not before the goods reach the consignee (nor before the first delivery of reoccurring goods) and not before compliance of our information obligation arising from Article 246 §2 in connection with §1 Abs.1 and 2 EGBGB as well as our obligation arising from § 312g Abs.1 Satz 1 BGB in connection with Article 246 §3 EGBGB. To keep the cancellation period, it is sufficient to timely send the cancellation or the goods back. The cancellation is to be addressed to:
Schweikert Dog Equipment GmbH
Zum Mühlgraben 10
D-68642 Bürstadt / Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 6206 7069 0
Fax: +49 (0) 6206 7069 79
e-mail: info@schweikert.de
Legal Consequences:
If you exercise the above right to revocation, you are required to return the relevant products to us including fruits thereof and we are required to reimburse your prepayments including fruits thereof (e.g. interests). If you are not able to return the products or if the products are defective, you are required to pay compensation. This does not apply to products, which deterioration is due solely to the inspection of the products - like you would do it in shops. You may prevent yourself from having to pay compensation for damaged products, if you do not make use of the products in your possession and if you take reasonable care of the products in your possession. Package able goods are to be returned at our risk. You have to bear the costs of returning the products, if the ordered goods and the delivered goods correspond. Any compensation payments for damaged products have to be made by you within 30 days after you have given your declaration of revocation. Return shipments will only be accepted with prior receipt of a written confirmation issued by Schweikert containing the details of the return shipment.
End of the Cancellation Policy
A Cancelation right does not exist for Distance Contracts concerning the delivery of goods, which have been custom made or clearly made to fit personal needs or are by consistency not suitable for a return consignment.
1. VIII. Final Provisions, Applicable Law
The applicable laws are the national laws of the Federal Republic of Germany with the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods (CSIG).